From Abused to Empowered: Book Launch

I never thought I’d be writing a book about abuse – watch the video to learn more about my story. It’s one of those topics you think about, shudder in horror, and then think: “It could never happen to me.” The sad truth is, abuse – sexual, physical, emotional, and verbal – is a lot more common than we think. Just look around, there are many cases of domestic violence, child trafficking, sexual harassment, and so on, not to mention the trauma we are seeing right now with children being separated from their parents. Many of us feel hurt, manipulated, and treated unfairly in our daily lives at home and at work.

If you’ve seen the 2002 Bollywood movie Monsoon Wedding, or the 2014 film Highway, and many Hollywood and independent movies, you already know the typical pattern of abuse: it’s often someone we trust. Also, there are myriad feelings that get jumbled up inside for many of us: pain, fear, pleasure, guilt, paranoia, insecurity, and more.

At this point in my journey of channeling books, it’s time for me to take a stand and speak out about the need to put a stop to all types of abuse. We as a society are reaching a point in life where we’ve suffered more than enough, and it’s time to end the cycle.

This book is about how to recognize patterns of behavior that stem from abuse – both the abuser’s behavior, and the abused person’s actions. Once we start to discern these patterns, we can begin to let go of them and heal. A typical pattern is control – when we’ve been overpowered by someone else, we tend to want to control situations to feel like we’re in power. See that in your daily life? I do.

Entitled, From Abused to Empowered: Recognizing and Releasing Behavior Patterns that come from Trauma, this book contains real testimonies from brave individuals who have endured abuse and are actively on their healing journeys. It also contains observed situations that evidence abuse or manipulation of some kind, which are also written as direct testimonies. This book is NOT for the faint-hearted. It IS for anyone who wants to face their pain, understand abuse, release past patterns, and achieve liberation and empowerment.

If you’re wondering what qualifies me to write such a book: some of the true stories are mine. I was abused sexually and physically, continue to be attacked verbally from time to time, and was manipulated emotionally for years before I started to see the patterns. I have been working to release my trauma for the past few years.

Now, I feel truly liberated. Now, I live from a place of authenticity, not from a reactive place of trauma. And, now that I can see the patterns, I cannot un-see them.

For the sake of the privacy of all individuals who have written testimonies, names and a few other details of the testimonies and observed situations have been altered, but how the abuse happened is accurate in every detail.

If you’re ready to be empowered by going deeper into the behavioral patterns surrounding how abusive people and those abused cope in their daily lives, grab a copy. Again, this book is not for you if you’re not ready to face your pain. If you’re not sure, drop me a note, or if you do dare to read it, let me know how these testimonies shed light on your path to awakening. 

As we look at the atrocities happening around us, we must dig into their root causes, and heal them. The society and world that emerges from that healing will be one filled with love, compassion and peace. One of these root causes is abuse and the trauma that results. This book, and the video help you see the behavior patterns, and release them.


Our latest book delves into how to discern and release the behavior patterns that stem from abuse.