What it Takes to Find True Love: Book Launch

How do I describe, or even fathom what I’m about to tell you? Let’s see. I woke up one morning, April 12, 2018, to be exact, and a book outline was in my head. The book was about self-love and romantic relationships. It was 5 am. I tried to meditate and then to go back to sleep because I went to bed late, but after a futile hour I got up and typed out the outline. It was seven pages long, because all these bullet points for the contents of each chapter had also arrived into my head by then. 7 am.

Later that day, at 4 pm, after client meetings, a walk, and some meditation, I sat down and wrote the whole book in five hours, complete with chapter headings, guiding questions, inspiring quotes from gifted leaders, and, well, sass. It’s also the first time I have used curse words in my writing. This book had its own voice, knew what it wanted to be, and arrived intact into my brain. It wanted to be birthed immediately. If that’s not channeling, I don’t know what is.

Interestingly, a friend and colleague had asked me to write a book on self-love after we discussed love, marriage, and break ups in early March. I had had a few similar conversations around that time with close friends and acquaintances, including one stranger – a very honest and inspiring Uber driver.

Somehow, these conversations distilled themselves, transformed into a book, and arrived for me to produce it. Now, several weeks later, I’ve had help from my amazing team of editors and some wonderful guest reviewers, and we can present this book to you so you can be the judge: The Path to Romantic Success: What You Won’t Learn in School or at Home about Finding True Love.

In this short and easy-to-read book, I share experiences from my childhood, describing how I began and sustained a pattern of harmful romantic relationships, and then overcame the pattern and nurtured a practice of self-love, which takes a lifetime to refine. I conclude the book with the story of how my true love appeared in my life this winter…supporting and uplifting me at the soul level in ways I didn’t know were possible.

Grab this little book – who knows, you might read it in one sitting – and let me know what you think about my journey. Share your own sacred journey with me, and stay tuned for my online course that will include this book and deeply transformative exercises I’ve developed to help you build lasting confidence and self-respect on your way to realizing true love.


In my new book, I share how to find true love – it’s not what you think. Well, maybe it is.