7 Practical Ways to Boost Your Immune System

During this Covid-19 pandemic, keeping our immune system strong has never been more important. Especially with the double variant of the virus, which spreads more easily and is more virulent. Of course, keeping fit and healthy naturally builds immunity. However, as we start compromising our health by developing bad habits as we get older, we end up increasing our risks for chronic disease. So there’s a need to mindfully look at ways that improve our immune systems.

We recently discussed immune boosting tips in our Beyond Medicine: From Mindless to Mindful series, and are providing more details here. The biggest way to boost our immune system is by leading a healthy lifestyle in general and especially in the face of this COVID -19 pandemic. Let’s unpack this and look at ways we can improve our lifestyles and keep our immune systems strong to fight infections.

7 ways to boost our immunity are:

  1. Eating healthy.
  • This means eating a variety of fresh local, organic, mainly plant-based meals that include fruits, vegetables, legumes, grains and beans.
  • Drinking lots of water, including fresh coconut water if available and avoiding the use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs and tobacco.
  • Avoiding sugar-loaded juices, fried and fatty foods, processed, refined and packaged products, such as crisps and snacks, which have very little nutritional value, are high in salt, sugar, bad fats and empty calories.

2. Exercising regularly – at least 30 minutes a day.

  • Any activity that increases our heart rate and exercises our muscles and joints, such as, yoga, dancing, gardening, walking, cycling and doing housework is good for our wellbeing.
  • Taking regular breaks during working hours to stretch or walk around the office to use our muscles, and combining this with deep-breathing exercises to improve our lung capacity and exercising or chest muscles are considered a good practice.

3. Sleeping well at least 7 to 8 hours a day.

  • Sleeping around the same time every night.
  • Engaging in regular physical activity to help relax our bodies and allow us to sleep better.
  • Switching off electronics and bright lights an hour or so before sleeping, aids us in falling off to sleep.
  • Listening to soothing music, meditating or doing some other relaxing activity before sleeping to ensure restful sleep.

4. Taking vitamins and minerals.  

  • If we eat a variety of fresh fruits and vegetables daily, we will be getting most of the vitamins naturally, but if we are deficient for some reason, we should take supplements.
  • To get vitamin D naturally, spend at least 20 minutes in the sun daily. Getting some sunshine daily also helps with sleeping better.

5. Managing with stress and worry.

  • Living in the present, so as not to worry about the past or stress about the future.
  • Deep breathing helps calm us down when stressed.
  • Meditation, yoga, soothing music and mindfulness exercises also relax the mind.
  • Laughter therapy, watching comedies or sharing jokes can also relieve stress.
  • Being outdoors in the sunshine or in Nature has a calming effect on our minds and bodies.
  • Spending fun time with family and companion animals can improve the feeling of wellbeing and relieve stress.

6. Maintaining good hygiene.

  • Especially at present with the pandemic, hand washing and sanitizing surfaces is very important.
  • Washing reusable masks or disposing of single–use–masks after being exposed to people not in our bubble is a good way to be hygienic.
  • Avoiding shaking hands when meeting other people.
  • Washing our hands thoroughly before preparing meals, before eating and after visiting the toilet.

7. Practicing gratitude and love.

  • Gratitude as a daily practice helps focus our minds on positive thoughts and spreading love.
  • Journaling our grateful thoughts act as a reference for us when we feel sad or stressed.
  • Having compassion for others instead of judging or blaming them can help us let go of the need to control.
  • Consciously choosing to place our attention on the blessings in our lives can make a huge difference to our mood and mindset.

One of the other ways to build immunity especially for an infectious disease is to get vaccinated. The vaccine helps build immunity towards that particular disease, so that when we are exposed to that disease, our bodies will fight the virus and prevent us from getting seriously sick.

Share with us what helps you boost your immune system.

A wide variety of fruits and vegetables protects your immune system. Photo by ja ma on Unsplash