Learning and Loving In India: Meeting Daaji

Almost since my first week in India, I was advised to meet Daaji, the living leader of the heartfulness movement. My preceptor (trainer) mentioned I could go to his apartment in the evenings and if he was seeing people, I would get a more intimate audience with him compared to satsang (group meditations). I was hesitant. I could see that pretty much everyone who was here at the ashram wanted to meet him. My inclination was to not be one of the many, and to give him some time and privacy. I didn’t go to his apartment. After all, I was here to work on myself, right?

Right. After Bhandara and all its magic, I was again advised to meet Daaji. I resisted even more, because Daaji had fallen ill. I wanted him to rest! A full-time staff member tried to arrange an introduction for me one morning after satsang, but it didn’t work out. The same day, another meeting attempt was made on my behalf, and fell through. I left for Bangalore to help a nonprofit that is affiliated with heartfulness.

Upon my return several days later, I was again encouraged to meet Daaji. Returning to the ashram led me to break down in tears, because I realized I would soon leave this paradisiacal place. I had a precious few days remaining. The day before I was to leave the ashram, I gave in and decided to go to the cottage, where Daaji often sees abhyasis (seekers). On that day, I was in lovely company: a gorgeous elderly lady that I was already friends with from the dorms was there. I learned that she had been coming for four days and was leaving today. I hoped she would meet Daaji.

We waited for about ten minutes. I resolved to leave but was asked to stay by the elderly lady’s son, whom I had noticed volunteering in the bookstore. I stayed. A few minutes later, we were told we could enter the premises. Daaji was seated in his office, and we filed into the small room and sat in an L-shape around him.

The first of us to speak to him was a man who seemed conflicted, and Daaji confirmed this to him, which left him somewhat chagrined. This interaction left some of us a little nervous, because the first guy had irritated the master! Now what?

But no, Daaji seemed quite centered. He was still coughing. Daaji went around the room, saying hello to each of us, but was soon interrupted by a camera crew. Apparently, he had to be filmed giving a speech for a conference. He motioned for all of us to stay and switch off our phones. It was a real inside look at his busy life. The very short and intriguing filmed piece was about myocardial infarction (heart attack), and its detection. I definitely want to know more about how the study of the heart by heartfulness leaders and scientists can help prevent or treat heart attacks.

Once the camera crew started to pack up, he turned his attention to my elderly friend and her son. My friend burst into tears, a sure sign of gratitude after waiting four days to meet her master. When it was my turn, I introduced myself as a new abhyasi who had done a little service and who was having a hard time coming to terms with leaving the ashram. Daaji smiled and said, “Keep coming back, and keep meditating.”

Somehow, this gave me permission to leave, and eased the conflict and grief in my heart. I thanked him and left the cottage, walking down a beautiful lane fragrant with plumeria (frangipani) – one of my favorite walks on the campus – I would pick up the fallen flowers and inhale their majesty.

I was already a fan of Daaji’s humble and quantum science-infused, practical leadership style, and now I also marvel at the simplicity he embodies. I know he’s a very busy person, and since I had finally taken up some moments of his time, I was glad he took that time to remind me to let go, and to go, so I could come back. Life is a series of cycles and each part of the process has a purpose. In letting go and living from surrender, we simplify life and can enjoy each part of the adventure.

Now that I have been cleaned, restored, and infused with so much energy, it’s time to give back, and be of greater service. I will definitely come back to you, Kanha, you’ve offered me so much clarity, love, and joy.

My favorite walk at Kanha, past Daaji’s cottage, filled with the gorgeous fragrance of frangipanis (plumeria)…