How to Completely Change Healthcare: Healing America

The word “heal” occurs in “healthcare,” but you know things have been pretty messy lately, right? As I’ve discussed before, real solutions to healthcare come from personal empowerment. We cannot control political insanity; we can, however, control our every meal and daily action. Individual and personal changes are powerful, but not enough; we need a community-based effort that can burgeon into a nationwide movement. Fortunately, such a movement already exists and it is ready for your participation.

Healing America is a grassroots movement that builds upon the success of PlantPure Nation, a 2015 documentary that helped communities eat plant-based meals, reducing or even reversing their chronic lifestyle diseases. If you’re thinking cancer, diabetes, obesity, and heart disease, you’re right.

Since January 20, 2018, T. Colin Campbell, co-author of The China Study, and his son and director of PlantPure Nation, Nelson Campbell, have been on a mission to bring their message to more than six states as part of this important movement.

That’s not all. Durham, North Carolina will be the site of their intensive social action model, through which the Healing America team will quantify their successes from a city-level whole foods, plant-based experiment. They will present their findings to the government, aiming to secure acknowledgement of what works: dietary change toward whole foods, plant-based eating.

Watch the video here:

Healing America – Heal Yourself, Join the Movement, Save the Planet from PlantPure Nation on Vimeo.

Our goal is to apply community pressure to heal the healthcare debate across political parties as we heal ourselves. The latest research shows that plant-based eating can suppress cancer cells – why on earth would ignore what works? Exactly, we will do the right thing.

Donate to the Indiegogo campaign now and do your part. I did, and I want to support this movement in every way I can. Together, let’s put the “heal” back in healthcare. Let’s be the unstoppable force that is Healing America.


PS. Here are some details for San Diego (tomorrow), and beyond – attend and see for yourself what an important movement this is! 

Saturday 3/10/18 
4:00-6:00 pm
The Unity Center, 8999 Activity Road, San Diego, CA 92126
Admission is free but get there early as seating is first come, first served
In addition, there are other upcoming Healing America Tour stops:
  • St. Louis–3/24/18–University of Missouri, St. Louis’ JC Penney Conference Center—Free Admission
  • Stay tuned for events in Ithaca, NY, and Northwestern Pennsylvania


Donate now by clicking on this image, and go down in history as part of the team that put "heal" back into healthcare.

Donate now by clicking on this image, and go down in history as part of the team that put “heal” back into healthcare.