9 Ways to Become a Game Changer

This week I watched James Cameron’s latest movie, The Game-Changers. I’ve watched many a documentary on both environment and wellness, but still I found it riveting. The science, heart, and sheer determination of the athletes and other game changers in the movie was all so inspiring.

In this post I’ll just tease you a little so you’ll want to watch the movie for yourself. Ready? Here are 9 reasons to watch it, based on what I learned from the movie, and to make yourself into a game changer in terms of the quality of your life:

  1. Outstanding athletic performance: Record-breaking athletes in many sports, including the strong man challenge, cycling, tennis, ultra marathon, and racing, eat plant-based diets. Find out how they keep dominating. One female athlete was still competing and winning at age 39.5. Now, that’s impressive.
  2. Impressive athletic recovery: Find out the relationship between animal-based products and inflammation. A single hamburger can increase inflammation in your body by 70%. Plant-based foods reduce inflammation with antioxidants and help athletes recover from muscle damage in multiple ways.
  3. Skyrocketing sexual potential:  Collegiate athletes were part of an experiment that revealed the effect on on erection duration of a meat-based and plant-based diet, over two nights. One of the athletes showed a 477% increase – not kidding. Watch to find out how the others fared. This is not a long-term or randomized study, but still worth considering. Also, learn how eating plants versus eating meat affects testosterone – this may be a surprise to you.
  4. Ditching heart attacks: 67% of firefighters die of heart attacks in the line of duty. They tend to eat a meat-heavy diet, which is associated with being a manly man in advertising and marketing, but which in reality clogs their blood vessels. Watch the movie to find out the effect of 7 days of plant-based eating on their cholesterol levels.
  5. Living longer: Eating meat gives us a 75% higher risk of death from any cause. Read that again. Learn how a 60-year old trainer can beat an athlete in his 20s on any given workout. No joke!
  6. Saying “sayonara” to cancer: Eating meat raises the risk of prostate cancer by 40%, and one serving of chicken or fish increases the risk of colon cancer by 30%. Plant-based eating alters our gene expression to switch off cancer-causing genes.
  7. Fighting stress: Learn how plant-based eating can drop our cortisol levels by 37%. Food for thought the next time you are eating deep fried meat to “alleviate” stress.
  8. Overcoming deficiencies: Vegans get a bad rep for being deficient in Vitamin B12, but learn why meat-eaters are ALSO deficient.
  9. Conserving water: A single hamburger has 2400 liters of water that goes into it. Learn about how this water gets used and the inefficient processes you support every time you eat a hamburger. Better yet, learn how a top football team eats veggie burgers all the time and is playing better than ever.

There are many more eye-opening facts and case studies packed into this 1 hour, 35 minute movie. Discover human anthropological findings about the most appropriate fuel for the human body; how much waste we produce through our diets; and how myths about animals fats, and the paleo and ketogenic diets are misleading so many of us. And, what tobacco has to do with all this. The links between meat and climate change are well-established by now too.

A must see, and can’t wait to hear what you think of it.

Watch The Game Changers to learn why your diet is the single most important factor in your athletic performance, sexual performance, longevity, and much more. Photo by Cristian Baron on Unsplash