5 Ways to Live and Die Well in Today’s Chaotic World

Our climate is unstable. Fires are raging in California every fall and right now is no exception – evacuations have been happening. Fires are also ravaging parts of Australia with unprecedented fury. The political climate is uncertain in the U.S. and in many other nations. There’s unrest, rioting, strikes, you name it. How do we maintain sanity, let alone serenity when it feels so chaotic? The economic situation and career market are volatile, and it’s hard to tell when a recession will hit, or when we will be laid off. Drugs are controlling our youth and adults (meth and marijuana in Fiji, yes right here in paradise!), and it’s one of many epidemics, along with fast food, sugar, alcohol, and tobacco.

The last few weeks on my daily Facebook video show, Mornings with Marilyn, I’ve been delving into a set of topics that deal with life and death. It is important to realize that we can best effect change within ourselves, and that change can emanate to our outer circumstances, including people. Here’s a look at some of the insights I’ve been speaking about on the show:

  1. Become your purpose: If you don’t figure out and do what you were born to do, what’s the point? Purpose isn’t something we flaunt and take credit for, it’s what we become with the way we live and by the example we set of honesty, integrity, compassion, and service.
  2. Failure is learning and perfection is a myth: Fear of failure, and framing failure as anything that isn’t perfect, steals our joy of learning. We will do well to learn that progress is more important than perfection – this deep insight came from a client I coach.
  3. Death is an ultimate truth: If death is our final destination, then what can we learn about how to live well? The answer has something to do with loving yourself, embracing your destiny, and being happy now. Don’t wait for things to be more “stable” or for yourself to be “ready” – life is happening right now. Live it!
  4. To change your life, learn to discern pattern: To change our lives at a root level, it’s important to become keenly observant about our actions and to notice patterns. Patterns of behavior, including triggers, relationships, and repeating situations show us our trauma. When trauma controls our reactions and behavior, we are not being authentic to who we are or to our purpose in this life.
  5. Let your legacy be richer than your life: When a redwood tree dies, it offers more value to many more organisms compared to when it lives. Live in such a way that when you’re gone, many are nurtured by the life you lived, even though you’re not physically around anymore.

These insights shift our focus to what is within our control: our thoughts, actions, choices, and attitudes. Behavior change is so important for every crisis we face today, and one of the most important behaviors relates to clearing our minds and leading with our hearts.

With each seemingly little thought and interaction, we have the capacity to impact those around us, and spark movements that lead to more unity and harmony in the world. Focusing on societal, political, and environmental ills only depletes and wounds us. Let’s bring forth our inner joy, love, and peace, spreading that around and helping change the world by first changing ourselves.

If you like what you’re reading, drop me a note and let’s chat about changes you want to make in your life. Also, stay tuned for an announcement about my next book, which relates to the topics we’ve discussed here.

To thrive in a chaotic world, focus on what you can control: yourself. Insights from Mornings with Marilyn. Photo Credit: Alfred Kenneally on Unsplash.