3 Examples of the True Self in Action: True Success Part 2

Last week I wrote about unconditional love as success. This week, I want to finish this two-part series with a look at another dimension of real success: the true self. Most of us live our lives conditioned by societal expectations and childhood trauma, until we begin to face our patterns and break free of them. As we do this most difficult and rewarding work, the true self, who we were before the trauma and conditioning, begins to emerge.

The emergence of the true self is unmistakable. Fears begin to fade away, and creativity begins to flow. This creativity may take the form of prolific writing, as it did for me, or other creations, like new projects, career shifts, and most importantly, a new perspective driven by passion, service, and love, not fear.

I want to share 3 shining examples of this emergence of true self. All have been clients at some point and are now becoming collaborators, because we share a mission of service to people and planet.

  1. Alexander John: His past as a preacher was left behind over 22 years ago. Since then, he has worked and thrived in several careers, including running medical clinics, but most notably as a staging tech at the Sydney Opera House. Now, Alexander is birthing his dream career as a life coach, keynote speaker, and theater actor. Stay tuned for his play, The Beloved, which premiers in Sydney this October and is rumored to include the sassy Dr. An. In 9 months of putting himself first in his life, and using Alchemus Prime’s method as a guide for only three of those months, Alexander, at 59, has evolved so much that he’s unstoppable, unbreakable, and unlimited. His work brings to life the resurrected state of humankind, what he calls self-transfiguration. He is currently developing his workshops, audio and video offerings, and preparing for the scintillating launch of the Beloved.
  2. Ilana Burness: Ilana is a formidable mind, working as a Human Rights Specialist (and applying theory into practice, post studies via her Master of Human Rights at University of Sydney) for the United Nations. She carries a dream of bringing yoga and its benefits to more people, and of elucidating the connections between international development work and yoga. In only 5 months, she has transformed herself into an agent of creativity and joy, launching her blog with daily entries, and expanding her yoga practice, Ilana’s Heart Yoga, across Fiji. She has just reached the milestone of 40 years old, and is providing a prolific and beautiful awakening for all whose lives she touches! She realized this year, after hearing experiences from those she taught yoga to, that a life of service is good karma and brings rewards that are priceless. As well, more locals are approaching her for private and corporate yoga sessions, so there’s a demand for yoga and wellness, which Ilana is meeting – the time for her is right now.
  3. Dr. Margaret Cornelius: After 40 years of service to her country and government, Margaret retired. She engaged in 5 years of dedicated self-development, including taking courses and becoming trained in various green business and meditation techniques, as well as Alchemus Prime’s self-love course. In the last two weeks, Margaret has exploded out of retirement and is working on her exact passion: a wellness approach to chronic lifestyle diseases. She is fulfilling her dream of mentoring youth and helping communities. She has been blogging for Alchemus Prime and is now also writing articles on diabetes for local Fijian newspapers in English and Fiji Hindustani. At 68, she proves it’s never too late to do what you want, AND on your own terms.

What these three powerhouses have in common: they chose to turn inward and face their trauma patterns and their greatest fears of not being enough, failing, and being judged. They made a commitment to the true self through our coaching method, called Lasting Transformation. What they are now reaping is the reward of that work: intrepid growth, passion, purpose, fun, and service. With a confidence that is humble and vast, they are realizing their unlimited potential.

I did a video on Mornings with Marilyn recently about how all the dots connect between true self, true love, career, and service, which these three leaders are exemplifying. More to come on that through my webinar with Heartfulness for Women on July 13.

If you like what you’re reading, let’s chat about your transformation. Are you ready?

Three shining examples of the true self in motion: from left, Alexander John, Ilana Burness, and Dr. Margaret Cornelius. Photo Credit: Alexander John and Alchemus Prime.


  • Dr Marilyn Cornelius IAM forever grateful for the love and wisdom you so graciously sowed into my life ….

    • Marilyn Cornelius

      You are very welcome! Thank you for being open to a complete transformation…which you are now so powerfully demonstrating. I’m floored by your development in the last nine months! WOW!

      • Noel Alexander Maybir

        When I initiated those five life enhancing private one on one coaching sessions with you Marilyn back in October 2018 my motivation was firstly to acknowledge myself as someone worthwhile, deeply loved and incredibly important to me, I wished to communicate to myself just how much I loved myself.

        Thus the investment from a love gift of $1300 from my son Kodi James bless his life for such a stupendous gift.

        Initially I was going to invest these funds he so lovingly gave me toward a trip to India to visit the land where my dads ancestors had come from.

        Another huge motivation for myself engaging your phenomenal Behavioural Science skills was this, I desperately wished with everything that was within me to finally make a deep connection to my life calling, but not only connect with it but to actually make it a reality by way of a one man comedy stage play where I manifest on stage live a celestial cosmic character aptly named the (Beloved) whose state of consciousness could be clearly recognised and acknowledge as someone who has achieved within his state of consciousness and entire being a luminous elevated transfigured dynamic that is altogether sensationally palatable.

        This gorgeous making of the Beloved is a living masterpiece which accurately encapsulates my life of some (49) years.

        As you’re intimately aware Dr Cornelius, as a direct influence of your coaching style where for the first time in my life you created a safe space where you helped identify some very real emotional blockages (trauma trails) from my childhood and also in my adult life which needed some immediate acknowledgement by me the liver of my life, coupled with some good old fashioned (TLC) which led me to magically attain a state of healing and wholeness within myself that radically altered my entire life in such a profound way.

        Once I completed the fifth coaching session with you, I remember you required from me homework which demanded of me, in essay form exactly what my perfect life might look like if I was doing what I truly loved.

        Well the repercussions of that question helped me give birth to my stage play called the Beloved which I’m launching here in Sydney in late Oct 2019. It’s about the power of truly loving yourself (warts and all)

        The Beloved is a manifestation of me Alexander John glued back together (completely) 100% after all those years of self abandonment, dysfunction etc.

        I have made myself available to action one on one coaching sessions with clients who wish to also overcome their inner states of psychological, emotional fragmentation, clients who strongly desire to overcome their own trauma trails, so to become whole by allowing themselves to go through a sacred process of self Transfiguration which leads directly to an achievable life state of incredible joyfulness and love.

        It’s only nine months since my coaching lessons with you and IAM absolutely beside myself at the radical positive change which is still transpiring in my everyday life. My energy levels are residing at critical mass levels now, which has given me energy collaterals to make my hearts desires a reality….

        IAM deeply grateful and filled with a deep respect and love for the significant changes that I’ve been able to anchor into my being.

        The principal life foundation upon which my entire life stands now is my true self, the Beloved x

        • Marilyn Cornelius

          Wow…I am completely floored by what you’ve shared here. Thank you for being who you are and for following your dream! It takes courage and work, determination and self-love. You have everything it takes, and more!