Busting Myths: 10 Entrepreneurial Values About Money Worth Embracing

Do your values make you money?

Since retiring some years ago (stay tuned to find out how that didn’t last long), I have been reading extensively and attending master classes on new subjects to explore what I want to do now in my field of wellness. I came across a bunch of videos entitled ‘Money Revealed’. This was interesting to me as I’ve never consciously thought about money, its value, how to invest and how to grow it, thanks to the ‘money is the root of all evil’ conditioning I received due to a religious upbringing.

So, I started watching these online videos. The maker of these videos is a chiropractor turned filmmaker and has an interesting explanation for this transition. He says that when he found out that there was so much misinformation about money, he was compelled to reveal the truth . Together with like-minded people and companies, he decided to make videos, films, and information packages. Some of his other videos are about GMOs and vaccinations. Now, he has a multimillion-dollar business educating people to do better for themselves.

Schools normally do not teach about money, especially in the earlier years. There may be some accounting classes in high school, but nothing about making money, growing it, and creating value with it. I did not think rich people cared for others, and the thought of making more money for myself (other than just having enough to survive) was abhorrent. However, I have used Alchemus Prime’s tools to transform my outlook.

This video series appealed to me, since I’m more open now. The host interviews over 60 entrepreneurs who currently rake in millions of dollars annually. I found this fascinating, especially when many of them came from humble backgrounds. I was curious to know what their motivations and paths were, and what they were doing with their wealth now.

I listened to about 15 hours of interviews. Two themes emerged which I wanted to share with you. First, were the blockages and misconceptions they had before they could make money; and second, the core values and principles they developed when they learned their lessons and started creating abundance.

The myths were as follows:

  • There is not enough money around
  • Money is the root of all evil
  • Money creates greed for the rich and makes the poor poorer
  • We need to work hard and long hours to make money
  • I do not deserve to be rich
  • I am not skilled enough to make money
  • Only very highly educated people can make money
  • Investing hard-earned money into business ventures is very risky

Some of the entrepreneurs did lose their money in their first investment, but they learned their lessons, tried again, and succeeded. Some had not been to high school so became sponges and learned everything from whatever job they took in the interim to feed themselves and pay their bills. They kept asking questions and meeting with brilliant people to learn directly from them, usually at no cost. This is what they called the entrepreneurial spirit and persistence of creators. Their initial hard work and long hours paid off when they learned to work smarter. They then went on to develop spiritual values and wanted to give back to people who were not so fortunate, not by feeding them but by teaching them how to feed themselves.

Here are ten of their values and principles are as follows:

  1. There is enough money for everyone and there is no limit to abundance.
  2. When you want to share your knowledge and skills to improve the lives of other people, the universe helps and blesses you
  3. Money is a tool that we can learn to use appropriately and grow it for the good of all human kind
  4. Some entrepreneurs are adding value to their multimillion-dollar businesses and giving better deals to their employees, like shares in their companies
  5. Human resource is the most valued resource
  6. The bigger the risks you take in creating new things, the bigger the rewards
  7. The world belongs to the universe, we are here to contribute to making it a better place for everyone to live in
  8. Instill value to grow money and not use money to grow money
  9. Deal with your childhood trauma and use it as lessen learned to do good for other people
  10. Think of the legacy you want to leave behind

I totally resonated with these values. I’ve also found that outer abundance comes when inner conditions are met for self-love, trauma removal, wellness, and confident leadership. If you have similar values but are struggling to move forward, talk to us. Wherever you are in the world, abundance is within your power. True abundance uplifts all life.


*This blog is penned by the ever-energetic (an)altruist and wellness advisor extraordinaire at Alchemus Prime, Dr. Margaret Cornelius.

Entrepreneurs bust myths and reveal essential values about money.