5 Norms to Change: Saving Lives in the COVID Era

The second wave of COVID–19 is definitely teaching us to change norms to avoid harming loved ones. Taking the liberty of connecting socially is no longer a safe practice. Especially at funerals, where emotions are high and the need to physically connect, for instance through hugs, is strong. Yes, we are grieving but at what expense? How will we live with ourselves when we realize that we helped spread a highly infectious virus like COVID-19 to other loved ones by not keeping our social distancing protocol? The latest variant is more transmissible and virulent.

It is time to realize that norms need to change for a safer family, community and the whole wide world. Last week in our Beyond Medicine series on Facebook, we discussed the proper way to wear a mask. In addition to this all the other protocols for COVID-19 prevention (including social distancing and hand sanitizing) need to be followed for us to win the battle with this pandemic.

The following norms seriously need to be changed:

  1. Hugging, touching, kissing, and sharing utensils with those that are not in your bubble or people who are not living in your household. This happens especially when we attend funerals, weddings, and other gatherings. These norms need to change. We can sympathize by sending messages, calling on the telephone or sharing a video of your ritual to honor the deceased and help the immediate family feel included.
  2. Being physically close to others while speaking or other activities. This also happens when people crowd at retail outlets such as supermarkets, municipal markets, pharmacies and bakeries. People forget that there is no need to rush. Being mindful is the key here and remembering to keep our social distance, and download and use the appropriate contact tracing app.
  3. Washing our hands after handling anything outside the home. Sanitizing our hands and space after being out to get groceries and other essential supplies if important. Washing our hands with soap and water for 20 seconds, discarding our disposable masks, washing the reusable masks and the bags used for carrying the groceries is critical every time we return from buying essentials.
  4. Going out for non-essential items is a no-no. Times are different and please consider your options carefully before deciding to expose yourself or your loved ones to a silent COVID-19 carrier. If you are going out to get supplies – try to stock up so there is no need to go out frequently, and focus on essentials only.
  5. Ignoring updates to restrictions and protocols. Often we don’t want to know what’s going on, because it’s stressful. But, if we don’t know, then how might we comply and be supportive as citizens? Getting our information or updates digitally or listening to the good old radio is crucial. It is important to know the current situation of the pandemic and be motivated to follow the prevention protocols. Sharing the information with those we love to keep them motivated is key as well.

Remember, COVID-19 is a killer and no one is safe until everyone is safe. So, be alert when out and about and remind people who are not complying with the prevention protocols to do the right thing.

These are 5 basic habits and norms to consider changing immediately. Share with us what else you do to keep safe and motivated in the quest to help end this pandemic, and what is a challenge for you. Let’s learn together.

We need to change our norms to beat COVID-19. Photo by Anshu A on Unsplash