Knowing your Fish: Data-Driven Design

At Alchemus Prime, Sundarajan often gives an example to guide our clients with business strategy. We call it the fish story. Basically, you could buy and use all the fancy equipment, boats, and gear you want, but at the end of the day, the fish only cares about bait. So, are we offering what the customer wants?

In design thinking, we call this human-centeredness, which is an over-arching aspect of the process. Similarly, in lean startup methodology, almost every step is focused on the customers and what should be produced for them. The upshot of both approaches, which overlap significantly, is that designing successful solutions depends on continuous learning from and adapting to the data gathered from the user.

The foundation for our ability to serve clients well is everything we learn from clients about their past experiences, present situation and challenges, and aspirations for the future. Our data collection then drives our service offerings. In essence, the client is helping us design the solutions they need, through their intimate knowledge, wisdom and context, which we simply draw out and reimagine as solutions with them.

For example, we developed our Career Manifestation Program after informal and formal conversations and interviews with high achievers in our networks, which led us to realize their need for a career reinvention retreat with high consciousness and integrity. Our conversations and interviews yielded rich data, which we fed into our Alchemus Prime Diamond Model. The model integrates design thinking with behavioral science, biomimicry, and meditation. We developed our career manifestation tools, and refined them as we facilitated more and more retreats. Over time, we implemented data-driven changes to our program, including in the duration, content and format, and post-retreat follow up.

We found that our “fish” consist of individuals, teams, and organizations in various stages of development who desire a deeper harmony between their financial, professional, personal, social, environmental, and recreational goals. Our clients are self-aware and highly accomplished achievers who are ready to rise to the next level of success, which they define as offering the best of one’s skills, resources, assets, and networks to clients in ways that achieve one’s own goals, and generate benefits for one’s family, community, and the planet. These leaders want to be true to themselves, and live from a core of inner and outer alignment with life.

We are nurturing a paradigm of integrated methodologies for win-win partnerships and solutions that keep each participant engaged, fulfilled, and abundant. As a friend once said to me, very wisely: when I make myself happy, the whole universe benefits.



Our Career Manifestation Program helps clients surface from their busy lives to re-evaluate their priorities and goals, and design strategies to balance work and play in abundant ways that benefit all life, and affirm their authentic identity as leaders.