Character Traits for Wellness

Scientist and author Scott Barry Kaufman recently wrote a blog post based on his own research investigating the character traits that most strongly correlate with wellness. This research falls within the Flourish framework, which stipulates that the five main tenets of well-being are Positive Emotions, Engagement, Positive Relationships, Meaning, and Accomplishment (PERMA).

Kaufamn’s findings are consistent with what I discovered through a previous post on motivation – love and positivity matter! Hope, gratitude, and love are the character traits that correlate with well-being most strongly. Independent of the other variables tested (or controlling for the other traits), gratitude and love of learning are most strongly related to wellness.

This research affirms my personal religion, which is gratitude. It also supports the path Alchemus Prime is taking, which is to learn the contexts of all our clients and empower them to make the transformations necessary to achieve their goals, while cultivating optimal wellness and win-win solutions for our clients and everyone involved.

Wellness depends on  certain character traits, including love, hope, and gratitude. Photo by Seth Doyle.

Wellness depends on certain character traits, including love, hope, and gratitude. Photo by Seth Doyle.